Hygroma (aka elbow fluid sac)
What is a hygroma?
A hygroma is a collection of fluid that occurs over bony prominences (such as the elbow) on dogs. It is associated with repeated exposure to hard surfaces (eg lying on concrete).
Image attribution: By ArtByCedar - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5806241
What are the symptoms of hygroma?
Hygromas appear as soft fluidy swellings over the pointy bit of a joint. The elbow is most commonly affected.
Hygromas are generally not harmful to a dog's wellbeing. They usually don't hurt unless they become very distended with fluid or burst through the skin surface.
How are hygromas treated?
Generally, hygromas are just monitored for distension and discomfort. We recommend providing soft bedding and rest areas.
Draining fluid from a hygroma is generally unrewarding. It usually comes back very quickly after draining. We usually reserve draining for pain management in dogs with hygromas under tension, prior to surgical excision. Surgery on these areas can be difficult – the entire capsule of the hygroma must be removed and healing is problematic given their position.